Locker Room Guide

EPHA Squirt C 2023-2024

  1. Only males are allowed in the locker room per EPHA POD Guidelines
  2. Recordings are not allowed to be made in the locker room, video, audio, or otherwise
  3. Male parents are welcome in the locker room to assist and guide the players
  4. Thou shalt not:
    1. Swear in the locker room
    2. Threaten teammates physically or verbally
    3. Throw ice, tape, or really anything
    4. Physically harm the room by marking the surfaces, taking shots against the wall, treating the room as a jungle gym, etc.
    5. Screech, or otherwise lead coach Tony to question his decisions in life
  5. Speak over the coaches when they are addressing the team
  6. Thou shalt:
    1. Be dressed and ready to leave the locker room 5 minutes before practice ice time begins
    2. Be dressed and ready to leave the locker room 15 minutes before game ice time begins
    3. Build up your teammates before, during, and after ice time
    4. Leave negative criticism to the coaches
    5. Pick up the sticks if ye knocked ‘em down
    6. Leave the locker room in an equal or better status than you found it (i.e. pick up and throw away tape even if it isn’t yours)